Сlinical trials related to Carisoprodol

Сlinical trials related to Carisoprodol

Carisoprodol is indicated for the relief of the pain and discomfort in muscles. It should only be used for short periods (two or three weeks) because evidence of effectiveness for a longer use has not been established and painful musculoskeletal conditions are usually of short duration.

  • The history of the research

The development history of this drug started more than 60 years ago when, in the course of the research, it was established that a prototype under development as an antiseptic can act as a muscle relaxant. By the manipulation of molecules, researchers managed to detect the sedative qualities as well as to reduce the risk of dependence. This drug approved in the 1960s proved its worth against all newcomers.

  • Has the research continued?

Different manufacturers behave themselves differently. There have been cases when the manufacturers have sat tight and stayed quiet as their drugs have continued to produce stable sales. If nothing is wrong, there’s nothing to fix – that’s was their simple approach. Other manufacturers behave themselves less confident – well, the drug is selling well today but what will be tomorrow?

In this view, they constantly continue the research to make perfect and ameliorate their product which has a continuing success over the years. And more importantly, they always try to find new applications. The drug has been under constant research effort since its launch.

  • Trials dedicated to the investigation of the lower back pain

Double-blind, randomized Carisoprodol trials have lasted for one week. The trial investigated the progress of the drug usage after three days, at the end of the week and then in follow-up interviews.

There was one trial in which the participants had to take Carisoprodol on its own and there was another trial in which the participants could use several different pain relievers from NSAIDs to the opioids. In both cases, the participants had favorable changes in their mobility, reporting the pain and discomfort disappearance in muscles. This investigation was identical between the sexes and was carried out with the involvement of participants of the different races.

  • Clinical trial dedicated to the investigation of the sedative effect

In clinical trials, a lot of continuing efforts have been applied to reduce the effect of the falling asleep when people first start taking Carisoprodol.

A recent clinical trial involved 1390 participants suffer from the lower back pain. They took Carisoprodol for a period of seven days. At lower dosages, 2% of participants found the side effects of dizziness, headache, and drowsiness sufficiently unpleasant to stop taking Carisoprodol. It means that almost all the participants found the drug safe and effective at the dosage of 250mg.  About 5% of participants had the unpleasant side effects at the dosage of 350mg.

  • Research into painful bladder syndrome

Painful bladder problems can occur due to different infections and disorders. There are some physical exercises helping relieve the pain but, increasingly, doctors suggest using the muscle relaxant Carisoprodol to avoid the bladder squeezing at the wrong time. When the muscles are in the relaxed condition, the urine can pass without pain.


Carisoprodol to relax muscles

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